GM’s Maps #89: Independent Movie Theater or Cinema

Publisher: Gethsemane GamesMap making can be time-consuming and sometimes frustrating for GMs, especially GMs with limited time to begin with. In our new ‘GM’s Maps’ range, we will be providing a range of pre-made maps for you to use in your games.

Welcome to the most recent addition to our “GM’s Map’s” range, the Independent Movie Theater (Or Cinema in British English).

Included in this product you will find a PDF with a key for the map, several versions of the map (full colour, basic old school with grid and without grid), and 10 adventure hooks and ideas set in the Cinema that you can develop into full adventures.

Sample Adventure Ideas from This Product
1/. The Copper Street Caper
The bank on Copper Street has a large amount of money and valuables stored in its vault and the PC’s, or their patron, are determined to get at them. Perhaps there is something specific in the vault they are after, or perhaps they are just interested in the money. Anyway, the bank has excellent security – there is only one week point – the old cinema next door. The two buildings are adjoined by a single, all be it very sturdy, wall and the PCs have determined that, if they can dig through the wall they can bypass at least half, if not more, of the bank’s security.

This scenario can be played out with the cinema either an old and abandoned derelict building or a still functioning cinema (which puts the PCs under even more time pressure as they have to break into the cinema after hours, without triggering it’s alarms or attracting police attention – then dig through to the bank before either building opens for business the next morning.
(By B F Irving)

7/. Death and Demolition

The old cinema has been sitting, derelict, for at least two decades, as far as anyone knows. The team of contractors sent in to strip it of anything valuable by the demolition company certainly think so. However, some weird things are going on. Sometimes, the work crew can hear a film running, but when they go into the screening room, it’s empty and silent. One morning the popcorn machine still has fresh-ish popcorn in it, despite having been turned off when the cinema closed. As the time to fully demolish the building gets closer, one of the crew breaks through a wall and discovers a hidden cache of films and becomes obsessed with watching them, insisting these are rare films that haven’t been seen in over 70 years in some cases. He insists there are unheard of versions of films and that they must be lost, but the foreman insists they just found empty canisters. As the time to demolish comes closer, the man goes missing, but strange things are happening in the cinema – tools moved or stolen, music playing, screening from a locked projection room. Has the man gone completely mad and is stalking the cinema, picking off his former friends one by one? Is he possessed? Does some creature haunt the cinema?

(By M R McGowan).

Publisher’s Licence

Publishers wishing to use this map in their own products may do so subject to the following restrictions;

You may use the map in your own adventures or supplements provided you add your own content.

This map may not be resold as part of a product that is intended primarily as a map or collection of maps.

If you use this map, please credit the author B F Irving and Gethsemane Games and include the line “Map created with Campaign Cartographer by Profantasy Software”

Map created by B F Irving using Campaign Cartographer 3 by Profantasy Software Ltd.Price: $3.00
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GM’s Maps #89: Independent Movie Theater or Cinema

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