World of Darkness

In World of Darkness, vampires, werewolves, and monsters of many different kinds are all living among us: an entire supernatural world hidden in plain sight.

You are the monster, pretending to be human, fighting for survival and supremacy in a dark and mysterious world. Night after night you struggle to find your place in a baroque web of secrets, ancient conspiracies, and modern upheaval. In the quest for power, you leverage every asset, from arcane abilities to simple diplomacy, seduction, and street smarts.

In World of Darkness, the horror is personal. You are not the victim running from monsters. You are the monster, the anti-hero afraid of what you’re capable of should you give in to your inner conflicts. The grotesque and sublime mix as tales of mystery and horror unfold with deep reflection over moral consequences and the limits of humanity.

In World of Darkness, nothing is as it seems, yet everything is connected. Eternal life, supernatural power, even dominion over exclusive cabals that secretly influence the world, are yours for the taking… if you can survive.

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Philadelphia by Night Philadelphia by Night
Philadelphia by Night Philadelphia, 1876. Domain wars in the streets. Foul beasts in the sewers. Backstabbers in the halls of Elysium. For Jacob Shallus, ancilla Prince of Philadelphia, there is never a dull night in the City of Brotherly Love. Embraced into his seat in an act of political expediency, Jacob finds himself at the helm of a vicious undead political establishment long before his due. Surrounded by a legion...   [click here for more ] White Wolf   $19.99  

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  • Latest Suppliments

    Publisher: White Wolf1 and 4-Page Interactive Enemy Character sheets for Hunter: The Reckoning 20th Anniversary Edition created by MrGone. Notes:Includes character sheets for: The Infernal, The Moonstruck, The Nocturnal, ...More...

    Publisher: White WolfLogos para la Camarilla, el Sabbat y los clanes independientes. Útiles para cualquier libro o suplemento de la Storytellers Vault. ________________________________________________________ Logos for the Camarilla, the Sabbat, and independent ...More...

    Publisher: White WolfWeird West Nevada. Bem-vindos ao deserto implacável do Velho Oeste, onde o calor escaldante do sol não queima mais do que os segredos enterrados sob a areia. ...More...

    Publisher: White WolfDisziplinskarten für Vampire die Maskerade 5 Edition auf deutsch zum selbst ausdrucken. z.B. auf das Trägerpapier von spielematerial de, dann muss man nicht mal mehr schneiden. Bitte ...More...

    Publisher: White WolfEin Comic basierend auf "Vampire: Victorian Age". Im viktorianischen London regieren Macht, Intrigen und Blut die Straßen.rivalisierende Clans nutzen die politische Instabilität, um das Machtgefüge zu destabilisieren...Price: ...More...

    Publisher: White WolfFrom Your Storyteller, With Love: Valentine’s Adventure and Event Modifier Cards for World of DarknessBring a spark of romance, chaos, and laughter to your World of ...More...

    Publisher: White WolfThis set of 6 MtG-sized cards is designed for each Storyteller to create NPCs and use them in their World of Darkness story, set in the ...More...

    Publisher: White WolfThis product provides three new Orders for Mage the Awakening.  They are presented as Nameless Orders complete with Mystery Cult Initiations.    In addition, two of the orders ...More...

    Publisher: White WolfWith the series “Whispers of the Night” I offer you suggestions for the various background traits in Vampire: The Masquerade. Whether you use them as a ...More...

    Publisher: White WolfMit der Reihe „Flüstern der Nacht“ biete ich dir Vorschläge für die verschiedenen Hintergrundeigenschaften in Vampire: Die Maskerade. Ob du sie als Spieler nutzt, um deinen Charakter ...More...