Mystic Hand

Publisher: PaizoWhile most warriors fine tune the physical aspect of fighting, there are some that specifically want to hone their mental side of combat. These seekers of knowledge know only the knowledge of combat and the tactics of wars. Some are said to go through life after life harnessing new skills and techniques to better themselves as warriors, assassins, or leaders. These great minds have even developed ways to grant or even take awake intellect from other living creatures.

Mystic Hand is a full class with 3/4 BAB using telekenetic powers to help control weapons mid combat!Price: $3.95

Mystic Hand

Mystic Hand

Other Suppliments

A Breath of Cordite

Publisher: PaizoHired to provide support on a milk run through the pirate-infested waters of the Shackles, the PCs come face to face with a new

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