Minimalist: Fear, Disgust, & Madness

Publisher: Ken WickhamKongor hits the demon with maximum damage, cutting the demon in half.
Kongor sits there a minute. He then doubles over vomiting all over the ground.
Kongor’s eyes glaze over and he stares into evil, cut into two.
This is a minimalist fear, disgust, and madness (insanity) system. It can be used with the Minimalist Martial Arts Strikes, Minimalist Martial Arts Grappling, and/or Minimalist Descriptive Combat system. Or it may be used on its own.
One-page, easy, d6 system, no specific stat (uses words), skill-based, and that might be able to be used with several core systems.

It uses standard d6 dice.

It is small, only this cover page and one page system.
It is uses a small amount of words to describe the mental reaction to extreme situations that might make a character afraid from terror, disgusted from blood & gore, or going insane from unbelievable madness. Severe degrees suffered result in long-term trauma either instantly.
This uses up to three rolls of 1d6.
Roll once to see if the situation or event causes a reaction.
Roll the degree of force type.
Roll for mental trauma if force is extreme.
There is no rule for when a character takes too much besides ‘instant long-term effect’ and ‘long-term effect is soon’. This system focuses on the descriptive nature of extreme mental trauma using a few, but meaninful, words.

Either creating your own or interpreting a current systems is based on interpreting a few adjectives. Specific examples of the adjectives are not listed.
This takes into account skill using the words for mental stability of unstable, normal, resilient, and courageous.
It has 3 types of extreme mental reactions each with 6 degrees of force: afraid (fear); disgusted. repulsed (disgust), and going insane (madness).
It uses 4 effect modifiers are based on the force type: light effect, medium effect, heavy effect or absurd effect.
It uses 4 levels of resistance that the degree of force must surpass: no resistance, light resistance, medium resistance, and heavy resistance.
It has a list of 6 lont-term effects resulting from mental trauma.
Price: $1.00
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Minimalist: Fear, Disgust, & Madness

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