Khan’s Hero Deck for ICRPG

Publisher: Khanist GamesKHAN’S HERO DECK for ICRPG
An exciting gaming aid for your table.
This is a print-on-demand deck version of HERO CARDS. The cards are poker sized and come with a nice tuckbox.
HERO CARDS replace HERO COINS in the game. When players earn a HERO COIN, give them a HERO CARD instead. Players can cash in the HERO CARDS for the effects written on them or they can use them as normal HERO COINS if they so desire. The right card used at the right time has the potential of changing the game in amazing ways!
Your game will get a new breath of fresh air! 
120 cards total.
This cards deck consists of the cards found in Khan’s HERO CARDS for ICRPG Volumes 1 & 2 and an additional 24 brand new cards exclusive for this print-on-demand version.
Have fun!
Tip 1: You can buy multiple copies of this deck to create specially curated decks for different encounters and situations.
Tip 2: Download the Publisher Preview file (under cover image, top left of this page) to read the instructions.
Note: If you want to buy the print-n-play versions of these cards instead to print them yourself, use the links below:
__KHAN’S HERO CARDS for ICRPG Volume 1__
__KHAN’S HERO CARDS for ICRPG Volume 2__
Sample Cards:
Breakdown of Cards:
The review video below is for Khan’s HERO CARDS for ICRPG Volume 1.Price: $0.00
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Khan’s Hero Deck for ICRPG

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