Harvest Festival – A Weird Funhouse Village Festival

Publisher: SahhIn this zine you’ll find a creepy little village festival funhouse to use as perhaps something like a travel event for your game, no explicit adventure is presented in it but there’s a lot of loose ends for creative GMs to spin one around the village if they feel so inclined.
What is this not?
This module is not an adventure into which a party of adventurers will be able to go in, kill some monsters or bypass some traps in and get out with the treasure.
There are some situations presented in the village that may lead to conflict, but the location has not by any means been designed to be razed by marauding PCs.
What is this then?
When starting to write this down I had intended the festival to be more of an event that I could throw at my players if they were to pass by any smaller villages that they had no plans to stop at for any extended period of time to liven up the world.
The festival has a lot of different sights and lasts the entire night, which is handled by either letting the players choose locations in and around the village to visit during the festival, or simply rolling from a list of small events they come across ranging from a harmless shadowplay presented to children about the origins of the festival to a person buried alive in the graveyard.Price: $3.00
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Harvest Festival – A Weird Funhouse Village Festival

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