[ENG] Monsters of the Week 09 – Yamal Diamonds

Publisher: Toorte
You dive into the dark, rough waters,the surface disappears as you get closer to the bottom.The wreck is there, filled with treasures. But the Ocean is terrible and won’t let you steal it so easily…

[ Version FR ]
Every Monday, discover a new monster and its quick plot-hook : a psychic parasite, a cursed item, a monstrous insect….
“Monsters of the Week” is a series of scenario, quick to read and to add to your play nights, whether to complete an ongoing campaign, to start one or simply for a one-shot !They are not written for a specific system or universe in order to let you modify and develop them at will.
a quick-to-read plot-hook,
exclusive illustration for the monster,
a description of the creature.
Come and discover a new abomination each Monday,
and don’t miss the “Monsters of the MONTH” at the end of each month, containing a special scenario, developed scenarios, and other exclusive hand-outs !
To keep in touch, don’t forget to follow me on Twitter at “DotToorte”and Instagram at “ToorteDot”.
Price: $1.00
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[ENG] Monsters of the Week 09 – Yamal Diamonds

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