Dark Age: Otherworld – Spirit Walker

Publisher: Frontier GamingDark Age: Otherworld – Serpent’s Fire is a Solo Story Adventure. The premise for the story, along with the endgame of the protagonists, is included along with a brief  description of the setting and circumstances. The descriptions are provided for the purpose of immersion only.

Spirits from the Unreach seek to persecute the living, and disrupt the timeline of those who would preserve Humanity. The Order of the Atman Vyadha still offer their protection in service of Gaia, though they are at a fraction of their strength. Siddhar Govind’s faith has not been worn by the sands of time. The old Vyadha is sure that a powerful newcomer, the Spirit Walker, will have what it takes to turn back the denizens of the Unreach and secure Humanity’s destiny once more.

The Story is your own to tell, and your Character is yours to play.



Beneath the cave Monastery at Vardzia lay the remnants of an ancient Order. On the surface the Monastery was the cultural heartbeat of the area, and the scholars who gathered to converse with the monks discussed philosophy, theology and the issues of the day. Food was given to the hungry and the needy were sheltered.
 In the catacombs an old teacher by the name of Siddhar Govind told stories of visitors from other Worlds, of unnatural Magical Abilities, and a future where Humanity would need to unite in face of a colossal threat.

The Atman Vyadha (Soul Hunters) continue to operate, but their numbers have dwindled to a few dozen globally following the Bronze Age collapse. Siddhar Govind is one of the few Vyadhas ensuring survival of the lineage. Knowing that he is nearing the end of his days, Govind seeks a person capable of receiving his message and protecting Tamar the Great, the twenty-four year old Queen of Georgia. Govind talks of visions of Tamar’s descendants serving Humanity in millennia to come. He is also aware of beings from the Unreach who seek to disrupt this chain of events.Price: $1.99
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Dark Age: Otherworld – Spirit Walker

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