Beasts of the East: Japan (5e)

Publisher: Evil Beagle GamesThe “Land of the Rising Sun,” founded (according to myth) in the 7th Century BCE, has long fascinated the world with its culture, history, and legends. Discover creatures and beings full of magic, mystery… and monstrousness.
Designed specifically for people playing 5e campaigns.
Continuing the combination of utility, imaginative content, and deep research found in the Discoveries series and other Michael Surbrook Presents products, Evil Beagle’s resident scholar and research fiend delves deeply into the rich and fascinating myths and legends of Japan, providing a new vision of a realm gamers have looked upon for decades. This tome includes – 
A helpful, easy-access overview of Japanese history, religion, and folklore.
An extensive catalogue of creatures and beings to incorporate into any D&D campaign.
Significant information about the legends, lore, nature, and likely combat tactics of each entity.
This is one part of what was originally a huge book about creatures from all over the East, so watch for more releases soon to complete your collection!
Edited by Martin Tucker. Graphic Design and Layout by Bill “teh ebil bunneh” Keyes.Price: $7.95
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Beasts of the East: Japan (5e)

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