100 Books to Find in Miskatonic Country

Publisher: ChaosiumThis is a selection of 100 books that could be found in or about Miskatonic Country, namely Arkham, Kingsport, Dunwich and Innsmouth, or the New England region around them. The books would be small print and are assumed to have been printed in the 1920s or earlier. They may have been reprinted at later periods, in which cases the names of some will have changed, as indicated. The books cover specific topics, and might be published by historical associations, as university papers or by similar organisations with local interests.None of the books are hugely useful, though many may provide a small increase, perhaps a few percent at most, to certain skills. Given the topics, Anthropology, Archaeology, History and the Natural World are the most likely skills to benefit from these books. It is possible some, that touch on Mythos subjects, may increase the Cthulhu Mythos skill, but none are specifically aimed at this, nor would the authors know anything directly on the subject, so they are unlikely to provide more than a 1% increase.Here are some sample results:
Pre-Colonial Myths of the Innsmouth Region by Dexter Hopkins (Collected myths transcribed from local folklore; the author clearly considers them nonsense and has made numerous errors)
Pre-Columbian Structures in the Miskatonic Valley by Corey Manning (Descriptions of various sites that the author believes were constructed prior to the arrival of Columbus)
Rambling by the Miskatonic River by Calvin Brewster (The author’s walks along the banks of the Miskatonic River)
Religious Practices of the Native Tribes Dwelling in the Miskatonic Valley by Hazel Peck (The book catalogues some common, and some more unusual, practices, including some that most of the locals frowned on)
Roads in the Miskatonic Region by Bennett Ives (On the roads built in the area, their construction and use)
One page is the front cover and one the front matter.Price: $1.49
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100 Books to Find in Miskatonic Country

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