20 Min Prep Time Method

Publisher: Steampop GamesAre you tired of having to memorize pages and pages of tedious information just to run a small dungeon? Or maybe tired of writing down names for a zillion NPCs just to get your players through a market area? Yeah, me too. I hate memorizing stuff, and I hate prep work that’s too long, so in the course of 25 years, I’ve learned a thing or two on how to prep, what to prep, and what to leave to the imagination of my players. Here are some of the most important things I’d like you to consider when trying to create your own method for prepping less and having more fun. I will teach you how to structure the information you have, and how to structure the information you come up with in the heat of the moment, where to focus, and where to let your players imaginations fly. Give it a shot! IMPORTANT: Im not really interested in you spending money for this document, my interest is that you read it, and hopefully learn something from it.  Im leaving the option of “Pay what you want” in case you liked it and what to leave a tip afterwards. Price: $1.00
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20 Min Prep Time Method

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