The Erwinian Roleplaying System: The Science Fiction Setting

Publisher: Erwin GamesThe Erwinian Roleplaying System is a multi-generational labor of love initially created by Eric Erwin in the 1980’s. Expanding on his love of roleplaying, Eric (and later with his father, Jim) developed a slick and impactful RPG system, creating several expansive settings along with the core rules. His son Joseph later picked up the books and formatted them along universal guidelines. 
The Science Fiction Setting was, like the Fantasy Setting, originally written in the 1980s and ‘90s, and has since been consolidated and touched up. What began as an homage to TSR’s Star Frontiers became an open and detailed system which can be easily adapted to the needs of the GM and players. This setting is designed for playing adventures in a science fiction future, either completely of the GM’s creation or using the samples provided in the book. Space travel, advanced weapons, medical wonders, and various alien species are the primary elements of this setting.
Characters in The Science Fiction Setting can take on various roles depending on what sort of future the GM wishes to run. They may be explorers traveling to distant stars, mercenaries hired to perform clandestine jobs for shadowy masters, scientists seeking to push the limits of known technology, soldiers partaking in a massive galactic campaign, or any number of galactic adventures!Price: $5.00
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The Erwinian Roleplaying System: The Science Fiction Setting

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