Army Set: Spanish Civil War, Battle for Madrid

Publisher: Nautilus PaperminisThis Army Set: Spanish Civil War, Battle for Madrid represents the defense of Madrid by the Republic against Nationalists forces in November 1938. Nationalists forces consists in the elite AfricanArrmy, versus a Republic that struggled to build a Popular Army, with the merge  of communist or anarchist militas and the first international brigadists.
The set has the following models:
Militia’s Liutenant
Fifth Regimen militiaman (Communist Party militia
“Confederal” militiaman (anarchist union CNT militia)
Durruti column grenadier.  (anarchist union CNT militia)
German volunteer (XI International Brigade)
FAI armoured car.

Legion Liutenant
Legionary (African shock troops)
Regular (African colonian infantry)
Ifni shooter (African elite shooters)
75mm cannon 
Ford Y car.

This models are in a 28mm scale, and you can easily print, fold and cut for playing RPGs or historical wargames.
Price: $2.99
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Army Set: Spanish Civil War, Battle for Madrid

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