The Good Friends of Jackson Elias, Podcast Episode 163: Lovecraft and the Occult (part 2)

Publisher: Paul FrickerEpisode 163: Lovecraft and the Occult (part 2)
This is the second part of our look into the relationship between Lovecraft’s work and real occult practices. Last episode, we looked into how Lovecraft drew upon his superficial knowledge of the occult to add verisimilitude to his stories. This time, we’re exploring something far weirder: occultists who have incorporated Lovecraft’s work into their own practices.
Once again, Mike Mason joins us on our journey into mystery. His knowledge as line editor for Call of Cthulhu comes in especially handy when we delve into the gaming aspects of our topic. Which Call of Cthulhu scenarios draw upon occult traditions? What is the difference between the Occult and Cthulhu Mythos skills? How might we use the occult in our own games? And why is Mike chanting and pulling out that obsidian dagger?
Runtime: 67 min

Previous episodes include discussions of 7th Edition Call of Cthulhu rules, stories by H.P.Lovecraft, Gencon, interviews with game designers and much more.
For further information and more episodes visit our website BlasphemousTomes
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The Good Friends of Jackson Elias, Podcast Episode 163: Lovecraft and the Occult (part 2)

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