The Ghost Whale

Publisher: Punkrabbitt PublishingThe men of the whaling ships, well, they’re a different kind of men. They are harsh, brutal men doing a harsh, brutal business. The killing of a whale is no easy task, and many is the man who has found a watery grave instead of the riches they sought. Too, sometimes, the whale is killed but not taken, left to sink to the bottom of the sea. But whales are smart, almost as smart as folk, and they get mad at the whalers, see? And if a whale is mad enough when it dies, when it sinks to the depths, the spirit of the whale is freed. That spirit goes looking for revenge on those that killed it. A ghost whale is born, and woe be to any ship it finds…
This is my conceptualization of the Ghost Whale as a monster for the original edition of the World’s Most Popular Roleplaying Game. I hope you enjoy it.
This product is free for the taking. If you like what I’ve done, you are welcome to go ahead and pay some money for it as well. My family could use the help in these crazy times.Price: $2.00
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The Ghost Whale

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A Breath of Cordite

Publisher: PaizoHired to provide support on a milk run through the pirate-infested waters of the Shackles, the PCs come face to face with a new

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