Quico Vicens Picatto Presents: Abandoned Manor

Publisher: Misfit Studios
Quico Vicens-Picatto Presents: Abandoned Manor

This stock art piece by Quico Vicens-Picatto presents an Abandoned Manor that has been partially boarded up. Who once lived inside (and does anyone or anything still reside there)? Why was it abandoned and how old is the manor?
This image is presented at 7 x 5 inches in size.
This black and white purchase includes one JPG and one TIFF version, each at 300 dpi.
All art files are bundled in a ZIP file.

Quico Vicens-Picatto Stock Art License Summary

All stock art is licensed for use in professional publications. Quico Vicens-Picatto retains ownership of the work, meaning you cannot resell the art in your own art packs or the like, and may be required to post an artist credit. There are limits regarding how this art may be edited for use.
You must include the artist’s copyright statement in all publications using the art under certain terms and conditions. You obtain a license to use the art, but do not own any rights to it beyond that.Price: $3.99
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Quico Vicens Picatto Presents: Abandoned Manor

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