Seafoot Games – Burning Sands Gatehouse | 20×30 Battlemap

Publisher: Seafoot Games

Burning Sands Gatehouse
A wooden palisade surrounds this desert village and the only way into town is via the large portcullis that is built into the lower portion of the looming stone gatehouse. Murder holes have been built into the outward facing of the gatehouse to aid in defense of the village while glass windows have been used in the inward facing areas to allow more light inside and comfort to the inhabitants.
The gatehouse features storehouses, a large kitchen, barracks, jail cells, a library as well as many rooms and offices, especially on the second floor.
Adventure Seed
Weddings between nobles children are more often then not carried out for political ends, building alliances and so forth. You’ve been contacted by a noble girl in her late teens, she is to be married to a man she does not love and she has refused to be forced into a political marriage by her mother.
As such she has put a plan in place for you to come rescue her in three days from her temporary quarters where she is going to be held until the marriage, this will be in the gatehouse’s second floor. The gatehouse is maned by close to a dozen guards. Some of the guards can potentially be lured away from the gatehouse by making a scene elsewhere in the village.
Through whatever means, when you make it to the noble girls quarters you find her with a man, the man she is to be wed. She explains that they’ve spent the last couple of days together and she now believes this man to be virtuous, brave and kind and as such has agreed to go through with the marriage, for her people and for herself. She confesses that she has been rash in her judgments and apologies profusely to you before begging you leave.
If any of the guards have been killed getting to the noble girl, you may have to flee the village.

What You Will Receive 

A home-printable 20×30 battlemap, compatible with any role-play game, and VTTs such as Roll20.

Download Contains
Home-printable, A4 .PDF of the gridded map at 300dpi, spread over several pages. 300dpi .JPEGs of the map for A1 poster printing or VTT.72dpi .JPEGs of the map for VTTs.

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Seafoot Games – Burning Sands Gatehouse | 20×30 Battlemap

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