The Village of Kalumbel and its Hinterlands

Publisher: Purple Duck GamesA Mechanics-Lite Micro-Setting 
The Village of Kalumbel and its Hinterlands is a game setting scenario that can be used to provide some role-playing color to your campaign, with interesting non-player characters that can, nonetheless, influence the lives and motivations of even the hardest of player characters. Class levels of the included NPCs are left vague, so that any level of party can interact with them on an equal level- but the goal of the setting is not blood and combat! If the players seek that, area 11 should provide all they need. Monetary treasures have not been included for the listed NPCs and their businesses, again, because killing and robbing them should not be the point of the game setting! One can assume that the business-persons keep d% silver and copper on their person, and an additional d% silver and gold in a hidden strongbox in their living-quarters, with appropriate locks and traps if required to keep nosy and nasty folks away. The GM is welcome to use The Village of Kalumbel for whatever purpose suits their campaign and integrate their plots and plans accordingly. Enjoy!Price: $2.99
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The Village of Kalumbel and its Hinterlands

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