Publisher: zinemotiveMOTiVE is a Dungeon World, Powered by the Apocalypse Engine ‘zine. Each volume (year) covers a single topic.
Volume one is The Green-Golden Rade, a faerie realm that takes the form of a rade (road) – one that can connect any two places in your campaign. The road is a place of the High Faerie Magic – it is wondrous, but capricious and dangerous. Travel on the road is likely to change the characters forever – both in terms of the fiction and perhaps mechanically.
Issue two expands adventures and options for both players and GMs: five detailed encounters, evocative encounter seeds, a new compendium class, and the Wild Hunt. The largest section covers Dead Ends — pocket dimensions that often act as traps for unlucky travelers. One of these, The Inn of Seven Tales ranges into eastern mythologies for faerie inspiration.Price: $1.99
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The Box of Delights – The Roleplaying Game (Downloadable Materials)
Publisher: ACE Gamebooks Roleplay This product contains copies of the Player Character Sheets, Encounter Boxes, and Player Handouts that appear in the Appendix of The Box