Death Traps of the Aldar aka All About Tricks and Traps – World Walkers’ edition

Publisher: Board Enterprises    Looking for some old school style adventuring?  You know – The kind inside dungeons, where the exploration was still part of the fun?  Looking to find challenge in the monster enemies, the traps, and how it all fits together into a mission that makes some sense?  Looking for ideas and inspiration that will get you excited about being a game master again?  Yep, you found it!
    Death Traps of the Aldar was the third adventure module Board Enterprises published back in the early days.  Out of print for years, we are bringing it back.  But this is only the freebie version for those of you who might play in that adventure module.  All the exposition is here – everything your characters would likely know about the setting, but none of the spoilers that might ruin the adventure for you.  So, the adventure itself isn’t in this one – It’s in the Game Masters’ edition.
    This mission has been restored to a new glory and now contains both the enemies and the player characters in both Legend Quest and die-20 stats.  We know that not all of you play by our rules, so we’ve included the stat blocks and encounter descriptions that will allow you to run this mission in our rules, die-20 rules, or your home grown.  After all, quests are about a whole lot more than just how many points it takes to kill the monsters – there needs to be some story, a setting, and most of all strategies.
    But this isn’t just an adventure setting!  We’ve put it inside one of our Small Bites editions.  That means you’ll get all the world building ideas, the setting outside the dungeon, story ideas, new magic items, and all the rest!  Is there more?
    Pick this up to see what all the noise is about!  When you see how much you like it, either you or your GM can grab the Game Masters’ edition and run the mission for your party.  How often do you get to preview an adventure to see if you like it?
    This supplement contains 28 pages of content, compared to the full (GM) version which contains 62 pages.Price: $0.00
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Death Traps of the Aldar aka All About Tricks and Traps – World Walkers’ edition

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